The patient is at the heart of everything!

The services of La Maison
Aube-Lumière are:

  • FREE and accessible to anyone who meets the admission criteria and resides in Region 05 (Estrie);
  • Carried out in tandem with institutions in the public health and social services network and with community organizations;
  • Offered by a team of professionals, volunteers and support staff who cooperate across disciplines to satisfy the various needs of patients and their loved ones.
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Eligibility Criteria

A person who wishes to be cared for in La Maison Aube-Lumière:

  • Mandates their attending physician to make the request;
  • Has cancer and knows their condition. The disease is in the palliative phase of its evolution;
  • Is an adult and resides in Region 05 (Estrie);
  • Is an adult living in a region other than 05 (Estrie) but has a close family member who lives in Region 05 (Estrie);
  • Has been informed, as have their relatives, that all available treatments, with a view to curing or modifying the course of the disease, have been considered and are no longer appropriate;
  • Adheres to the principle of La Maison where we do not practice intensive life-prolonging therapy;
  • Has a predicted life expectancy of less than three months;
  • Requires care to relieve physical symptoms and address psychological, social, and spiritual needs.

We prioritize persons:

  • Living at home over those who are already in a hospital environment;
  • Living alone, without family or social support;
  • Requiring readmission after temporarily returning to their home following a stay at La Maison Aube-Lumière.

If you have any questions about our admission process, you can contact our Clinical Counselor or the Director of Nursing Services:

Clinical Counselor
Nancy Morin
(819) 821-3120 ext 209

Director of Nursing Services
Claude Carrier
(819) 821-3120 ext 221

The waiting time to obtain a room depends on the applications for admission received and the length of stay of the current patients.

If an eligible person wishes to benefit from the care provided at La Maison Aube-Lumière, they should not hesitate to submit a request. Waiting periods for admission are often shorter than one might expect.

A physician takes charge of patients upon their arrival at La Maison and meets with them daily. An on-call medical service ensures continuity of care, including evenings and weekends.

Day and night, a team of nurses, nursing assistants and patient care attendants provide the required care. As soon as a patient arrives, a personalized care plan is established, and a complete medical file is kept up to date by the care team.

A weekly interdisciplinary meeting aims to maximize the overall quality of care and provide solutions to the various issues that may arise.

  • Patients’ rooms with bathrooms are private.
  • They are well lighted by large windows looking onto a garden.
  • They have a patio door giving access to a small private patio outdoors.
  • The adapted beds are adjustable, recent and have safety features.
  • A comfortable armchair allows patients to relax in peace.
  • The rooms are equipped with a small fridge, a television (free cable television) and a landline telephone (free calls within Canada).
  • A wireless network (Wi-Fi) is available free of charge for everyone.
  • The rooms offer a single retractable bed that can be used by a loved one who wishes to spend the night with a patient.
  • The entire establishment is air-conditioned and equipped with heated floors to ensure optimal patient comfort.
  • The following document provides an overview of La Maison’s services:

Information Summary

When usual palliative care does not sufficiently alleviate a patient’s physical or psychological pain, the latter can ask to benefit from continuous palliative sedation, secondary sedation or medical aid in dying.

These three treatments must comply with rigorous eligibility criteria and are subject to the strictest supervision. La Maison complies with government requirements.

A psychosocial worker accompanies patients and offers their loved ones all the comfort needed to ease the end of life and develop approaches to deal with this situation as serenely as possible. She can also inform loved ones of the steps to take and refer them to helpful resources.

Two spiritual care providers take turns at La Maison Aube-Lumière. They offer a comforting presence while respecting the faith and convictions (religious or not) of each person. For believers who so wish, communion and end-of-life sacraments can be offered. Also, upon request, a celebration of life can be organized for patients and their loved ones.

The kitchen team prepares complete and varied meals on site. They offer a different menu on a daily basis, for everyone.

The kitchen team can also concoct meals and snacks that meet specific needs expressed by patients.

Patients can eat in the quiet of their room or in the dining room at a time of their choosing.

For visitors, it is possible to buy a meal on site or to bring their own food. A microwave oven is available in the dining room.

Massages are offered to patients free of charge, twice a week, by a massage therapist who specializes in oncology.

La Maison Aube-Lumière offers a flexible and personalized approach:

  • No routine is pre-established.
  • Baths (in specialized therapeutic baths) are given at the convenience of the patients whenever possible. Showers are also possible, depending on the condition and preference of the patient.
  • Patients may eat at the times they wish.
  • Patients may decorate their room with their preferred personal objects while also respecting the setting.

Patients should provide their own soap, powder, moisturizing cream, toothpaste, toothbrush, tissues, sanitary pads, shampoo, comb, brush, razor, and humidifier, if needed. Patients may bring their own clothes, depending on their habits and at their convenience, taking into account their health condition and their healthcare requirements.

The cost of drugs and supplies, incontinence clothing, supplies for a colostomy or ileostomy, as well as certain bandages or dressings, are assumed by patients or their family members.

A laundry service for patients’ clothing is available upon request. The fee for this service is payable at the reception desk.

Use of candles, matches, lighters or other flammable objects is not permitted. Only large lamps in a glass jar may be lighted if the nurse consents, and only in the patient’s room. Matches and lighters are given to the nurse upon arrival.

The use of an essential oil diffuser is prohibited in the rooms.

The installation of a coffee maker in the patient’s room is allowed.


A bright memory…

February 06, 2025
« We will hold a vivid memory of the welcome that this warm household gave us with as much candor as serenity, in order to relieve our own pain..»

Keep up the good work

February 06, 2025
« Keep up your good work, because you know how to give us the strength we need to get through this difficult ordeal. »

I will never forget you

February 06, 2025
« I really felt like I was part of your team. You were my second family for two months. Thanks to each of the nurses, all the volunteers and all the employees. I will never forget you.»